It may be the 1st of May but there's plenty going on!
1. If you are interested in participating in the 2014-2015 Student Council, there are application forms in the office. Fill out your application and return it to the office by the end of the school day on Tuesday, May 13th. If you have any further questions, see Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Larrabee.
2. After school Make Up Time is being held in room A 213 today. No excuses will be accepted that you didn’t know about your attendance trouble.
3. Tickets are now available in the Main Office for the Spaghetti Dinner benefit to be held on Saturday, May 17th in honor of Mr. Potvin. The dinner will be held from 4-7 pm in the EHS Commons. The meal includes spaghetti, salad, desserts and drinks for only $7.00. Show your support for Mr. Potvin and buy a ticket, even if you can’t come.
4. Seniors: The Daily Press is running a special section called Now and Then. If you would like both a baby picture and your senior picture included in the publication, bring the photos to the Daily Press by Monday, May 12th. They are doing this free of charge.
Seniors: Graduation tickets are available in the Main Office. Get an accurate count from your parents as to how many tickets you will need. At the same time we will be taking reservations for the free Senior banquet, the free Art Club luncheon and senior t-shirt orders. The shirts are $10.00 and must be paid for at the time of ordering.
5. Mo Buddies, a group of role models for the underclassmen, will be meeting next Wednesday during 5th hour. Invitations will be delivered to all of our Buddies by Friday.
Staff and Students: Order your “Potvin’s Posse – Fighting Lymphoma One Cell at a Time” shirt in the office. The cost is $10.00 and all the proceeds will go directly to Mr. Potvin for his medical expenses. Orders will be placed each Friday.
6. Important Announcements for Seniors concerning the yearbook: If you were given a Senior Highlights sheet, please remember it is DUE TODAY. It’s time for the Senior and Sibling pictures! If you would like to be included, bring $5.00 and your sibling to Mrs. Wiles room, next Wednesday or Thursday during lunch or after school. This is for two days only and the sibling must be a high school student.
7. The last Lunch with the Pastor for the year will be next Thursday. You must sign up in Student Services.
8. The Lost and Found table is overflowing with items. If you don’t claim your stuff by Friday, it will all be donated to charity.
9. NHS members are needed to help with Special Olympics on Friday night from 6-9 pm. Dinner is included, and you get to hang out with Mr. Lark! What could be better than that? This is a great opportunity for you to get your final few hours done so sign up with Mrs. Geyer today.
10. EJHS Announcements
There will be a Student Council meeting during lunch today in room A 400.
8th Graders: Hey, if you would like to be part of the Student Council next year go the high school main office and get your application form. All completed applications must be turned in by the end of the day on May 13th.