25 April 2013

Romeo and Juliet - ACT II Packet

Vocabulary is due tomorrow for EN 9:

1) bewitched

2) conjure

3) invocation

4) discourse

5) rash (adj)

6) procure

7) wanton

8) entreat

9) boundless

10) substantial

15 April 2013


ONLY 5 more Stems Tests left for Freshmen Year!  List 21-List 26.  Test on List 21 this Friday!!

11 April 2013

Snow Day Tomorrow???

That's probably a NO WAY! If you're wondering in the am, tune into TV 6 News at 5:30 am, check eskymos.com Facebook page, twitter @ eskyprincipal, or sign up for the mass text for snow day messages!

08 April 2013


It is now the Fourth Quarter!!  This is when time flies!! Of course, 6th hour will be a bit longer to make up for some of our snow days.  We will now end 6th hour at 2:27 pm each day until the end of the year!  I think we can handle this due to the announcements at the end of the day and Mr. L said there will probably be more being that it is Spring and it IS the busiest time of the year!