27 September 2013

SO. MUCH. STUFF. GOING ON at EHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

EHS Announcements

1. This is the last day to sign up for the ASVAB test.
2. Those of you who signed up for the Industrial Trades Day must turn in your signed permissions slip by Tuesday!
3. NHS Members: The Escanaba Volleyball Invitational is here tomorrow and the concession stand needs volunteers! Shifts begin at 9am and run through the afternoon. Please see Mrs. Geyer if you are interested in earning some volunteer hours.
4. Seniors: Graduation Cap and Gown ordering packets will be handed out on Monday during the senior class meeting at 9:00 am. The Jostens Rep will be here next Friday to take orders.
5. Next Tuesday, the University of Wisconsin-Marinette will be here. Like all college visits, you must sign up ahead of time in Student Services.
6. The Fan Club Pasty Sale has begun! This organization funds several of your high school teams so do all you can to help them help us. All orders and monies are due by next Friday. Additional order forms are available in the main office.
7. If you have earned an athletic E, or will earn one this year, you are eligible to be a member of the E Club. The first meeting will be held on Monday during the second lunch. You must sign up in the main office if you plan on attending. Lunch will be served.
8. SADD is meeting on Tuesday in the conference room during the second lunch. Please bring your own lunch.
9. Student Council will be meeting on Tuesday morning in Mrs. Larrabee’s room at 7:00 am. Please make every attempt to attend the meeting.
10.  Key Club is meeting on Monday to take nominations for the Board of Directors. Be there!
 11. TIP is a tuition incentive program for college bound seniors with limited resources. It covers your first 24 credits of any academic year. If you would like to know if you qualify see Mrs. Schlenvogt.
 12. The Elks are presenting three different scholarships opportunities. Check the Student Services or Daily Bulletin for details.
 13. The American Red Cross is having a blood drive here on Thursday, October 10th. The appointment sheet is now here. Sixteen year old students that would like to participate must have a signed parent consent form. If you would like to donate, or need a permission slip, stop in the Main Office to reserve your time.
14. Open gym for girls interested in playing basketball will be held on next Monday at 6:15 pm

23 September 2013

WHY is EHS the BEST Place to LEARN??!!

Athletics and Clubs at EHS 2013-2014
(Here are SOME activities offered at EHS):

Film Club - Mr. Fleming
Art Club - Mrs. Uhazie
French Club - Mrs. Wagner
SADD - Mr. Lark
Drama - Mrs. Soderberg
Chess Club - Mr. Maki
Student Council - Mrs. Larabee
National Honor Society - Mrs. Geyer
Key Club - 
Builder’s Club - Mrs. Hall
BPA - Mrs. Lehto
Marching Band - Mr. Cassell
Chorale - Mr. Beck
Yearbook - Mrs. Wiles
Quiz Bowl - Mr. Lynch
Cribbage Club - Mrs. Volk
"E" Club
Cross Country
Competitive Cheer

18 September 2013


MONDAY - Beach Bum Day

TUESDAY - Movie Character Day

WEDNESDAY - Holiday Day

THURSDAY - Pajama Day

FRIDAY - Orange and Black Day
6th Hour - Pep Assembly
5:00 - Parade
7:00  - 'MOS vs. Marquette

13 September 2013

Hola! Buenas Dias!

In Lab 9 and Lexia we are learning Spanish! This week we have learned to say hello, good morning, good afternoon, good night, please, thank you, you're welcome, yes and no.  Last week we learned to count to 10 in ESPANOLE....